Sleep regression ??


My 2 yr old has been sleeping in her own room, crib since she was 6 months old. Before we didnt even had to rock her to sleep, i would just tell her its time to go sleep and she’ll fall asleep on her own. Now all of a sudden she’s crying when I’m trying to put her down. We took a trip in Feb (5 days) where we were sleeping in the same room but she was sleeping in her own travel crib, we came back from that trip and no issues sleeping. This past weekend we went for another trip that lasted 3 days same thing we were sleeping in the same room but she was in her crib. Monday we came back home, Monday night she was fine but then Tuesday night she was crying hysterically and i was thinking maybe she feels sick but no bc she was fine the next morning. Now yesterday night same thing, she cried … i told my husband this morning that maybe she doesn’t need a nap anymore, we skipped her nap today but then again she cried at night time even though she was tired tired. Do we do the le it cry method?? Or is this sleep regression??