June 4th Surprise


Here is the short yet long story of my sons birth!On Sunday June 4th at 6:50 AM I got the ultimate surprise when my water broke. My frank breech baby just couldn’t wait to make his entrance and decided on a week before my scheduled cesarean. The entire day on Saturday I felt horrible with a super upset stomach and what I thought was gas pain…it was the start of labor and boy did those contractions kick in quick once my water went. The call to the hospital of course lasted only 2 minutes with them saying to come in right away and they’ll check to see what’s going on. But, there was no doubt in my mind that the pop I heard and felt along with the gushing of liquids going on that my son was on his way. As soon as we got to the hospital they had me change and prepared to check me. The nurse took one look and said she had no doubts but swabbed to confirm my water was broken and now leaking all over the room. When she went to check my cervix (ouch btw) she was happy to report that she could in fact feel my son’s butt sitting right there. So the process and prep for my c-section began. I was terrified but my fiancé worked hard to comfort and encourage as I was given my IV pumped with fluids and medications, blood drawn, and signed paperwork. Finally it was time to go in and get my spinal block. What a nightmare. Five goes later and almost being put under the numbness kicked in with a rush of warmth and I could breathe without contractions for the first time in several hours. The feeling is hard to explain but, as I explained to my fiancé it feels like you weigh a million pounds and also nothing. I felt them touching me and moving me around, but that’s all thankfully. At 10:03 am with a small squeaky whine our son Warren was pulled bum first into the world. His dad went to be with him at my request as they weighed him in at 5 lbs 15 oz and measured him at 18.5 inches long. I couldn’t believe how small this human was especially being a gestational diabetic(diet managed). Minutes later I was able to with assistance hold my son for the first time and it’s true what they say in an instant you change. You see a whole new reason for existing