Grandparents rights?!

I’m gonna try to keep this short


I got pregnant when I was 17, had my son at 18 and by the time I had him I was a single mom. My bd kicked me out of our place and I had to live with my best friend for months until he left and I could have the apartment back. He has been absent the last two years seeing my son only a handful of times. I used to allow it, now that I’m older be learning and just because of my childhood I’ve decided inconsistency isn’t what my son needs and that’s that.

My partner takes very good care of my son and i and I’m actually able to be a SAHM now!

However bd mom is mad because I filed for child support. She feels as though I owe her communication even though she’s showing me no respect and showed me how much she cared about me when my father passed and she didn’t even call. His whole family is blowing up my phone, telling me they’re taking me to court and saying they will fight for my son??? That they’ve never spent more than a day or two with when he was a newborn.

Bd isn’t on the birth certificate we do not talk and I do not want to. He SA’d me, cheated on me, was emotionally abusive and manipulative and just a terrible human I don’t want my son around. Am i the asshole??