18 month sleep regression?

Linda • Mama to two baby girls named Blayne and Blaire. 🌙🌟 Husband and I own an A/C business.❄️ Cat lover 😽 Florida 🏖

So lately my daughter has been having a hard time going to sleep at bedtime. I put her to bed at 7 and she will whine and cry until 9. I do go in there once or twice to make sure she’s ok and to give her more milk. And she’s been waking at night at least once and I’m having to go in there to give her a bottle.

Her naps are usually from 12-12:30 till about 2:45-3. And like I said I put her to bed at 7. Well tonight specifically we got home late from a friends house, around 8:30, gave her a bath and put her to bed. I gave her Motrin because she is getting her canines. Ever since she’s like been scream crying, like bad, she never cries like that. So of course I’ve gone in and made sure she’s ok, gave her more bottle, gas drops, changed her diaper. And when I put her down to see what she does she’s all wanting to play and such. I’ve gone in there about 5 times. It’s currently 12:30 am and she’s still awake. My husband is in her room sitting in the chair while she’s in her crib just bopping around. She’s not screaming anymore but she just won’t go to sleep. I don’t think she’s sick because when we let her walk around she’s completely fine and normal, smiling and running around. And she’s talking a bunch right now in her crib to her baby.

What do I do going forward 😵‍💫 we’re so tired