Do you have/would you put a “Baby on Board” sticker on your car?

Zoe • 💙💗mama to boy/girl twins💗💙 •23y/o• ✌🏻and ❤️

I recently ordered some new baby mirrors for my back seats and they came with “baby on board” signs. I would like to put them on my car window but I’m worried they’ll do more harm than good.

I’m kind of a paranoid person by nature so the first place my mind went to was “Putting this sign on my car will make me a target for bad people who want to harm me and my kids.” I know their intended purpose is to alert first responders in the case of an accident that there’s a baby in the car but I’ve also heard they can do more harm than good in that situation because if you have the sign but the baby is actually not in the car, first responders might think the baby got ejected and spend precious time and resources looking for a baby that’s actually safe at home. A remedy to this would be taking the sign down when the babies aren’t with me but I know for a fact I wouldn’t remember to do that every time.

I’d like to know other people’s thoughts on this.

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