Husband talks about sex with other woman

Hello guys, I’m confused and would like some of y’all’s opinions.

My husband and I went out to eat, and our way back home he asks me if I would sleep with a lot of different men if I were single. I answer him that I’m not sure and have not thought about that.

He then proceeds to tell me that he would sleep with woman if he were single. Then he starts to tell me how he would accomplish this. He says he will make them friends first and that if they have been friends for a few weeks and she’s pretty he would fuck her.

I’m not sure if this is a disrespectful thing to say to me. I mean we’re clearly married and I don’t see why he’s thinking about fucking other women, much less telling me his plan if we ever one day not end up together.

I expressed to him that it was offensive for him to be saying those things to his wife and he replies to me, “not every wife is like you. I thought we could be a cool marriage and talk about things like these but you’re not secure enough.”

Am I wrong or is he the asshole?