Are We Done??

LeAnn • Blessed wife and mama 🤍

My husband and I are struggling.. we’ve talked about how many kids we want since the beginning of our relationship. It’s always went back and fourth between 3 and 4. Here we are 8 years down the road since we started dating and we have 3 beautiful girls! Our middle and youngest both have birthdays in August and our youngest is turning 2. Well we’ve went back and forth for months about having another. One minute I’m completely content with the three I have and the next my heart grieves thinking about never having a newborn or being pregnant again. I’ve always been open and told my husband if we did have a fourth I wanted to get pregnant in July just because the due date would be in April which is the month our oldest was born in. (I just thought it would be cool for two of our kids to have birthdays in April and two in August. Not to mention it saves a lot of money having parties together lol) Here we are during my fertile week and we made love. And yes, he knew before hand it was my ovulation week (I would never have done it without telling him before hand) So now we just keep going back and forth about should we go get plan b or just wait and see what happens? We are really having a hard time! I don’t want to regret not having another but I also don’t want to put too much on us and be overwhelmed! This is such a hard decision that no one talks about enough. If we are done, I want to be completely done and I’m scheduling him an appointment to get a vasectomy (even though he’s a big chicken and says no) but if not we have literally nothing so I’d have to start all over buying baby clothes and all that (if it’s another girl). I just don’t know..

How did you and your partner decide? How do you know for sure? And what’s your experience going from 3 to 4?