Kid acts like an asshole in public and never wants to do anything

I am so beyond frustrated and I will be speaking to the pediatrician again next week (I've already mentioned this issue before to him ) but I just need some mom advice.

My 5 year old has always been super well behaved, smart, great kid. Everyone loves him. I say this because he's not like your typical annoying kid that acts up or whatever.

When we go out in public lately he acts like a total asshole. Any time I say we are going somewhere he complains. He doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything. Even fun things that are just for him. He throws a tantrum out in public as soon as we are around people to try to embarrass me and make a scene because he wants me to take him home. I do everything I can not to give in and take him home so it's extremely embarrassing for me because he's screaming more like a 2 year old would rather than a kid his age. Punishments haven't worked. Asking him WHY he doesn't want to go doesn't work, giving him choices about where to go doesn't work. Even when he says he wants to go this ends up happening he will find a way to start complaining or screaming like someone is hurting him. I'm so fed up with it because obviously we have things we need to do like post office groceries etc or even fun stuff like the park or zoo. I refuse to let him sit at home all day I don't want him to develop agoraphobia or be weird because he never gets social interaction.

I really really need help I'm so frustrated and I don't want to be mad with him because obviously something has to be wrong right ? Or is he just being manipulative? I need help !