Precip labor/placental abruption


Birth story

This was my third baby but first VERY accidental natural birth. I was at home just got our two boys in bed, listening to my labor meditation. Baby boy shifted to the side of my stomach and gave me a cramp so I gently shifted him back center. All of a sudden I felt a gush. I had just gone pee so it wasn’t that, thought my water broke but turns out I was bleeding heavily. Called my mom to come up from 2hrs away and my brother to come watch the boys. My husband and I get to the hospital around 10:30 pm. I was scheduled to induce in two days since I was over due again. (I always go over and had induced the last two times) They ran some tests and said that since I was bleeding pretty heavily, 3cm dilated, and having some contractions that we should just stay to have a baby. Cue me panicking 😂

They move us to a labor room, the dr wanted to start pitocin but I wanted to wait and see. So she agreed to wait since I was contracting more frequently and was dilating. The nurse told me to try to rest if I could. I tried to sleep but nerves/contractions kept me awake. They checked me at 2am and I was 4 cm dilated. They said we would wait and break water at 6am then start pitocin if needed. They said I could get the epidural anytime but I wanted to wait since I wasn’t hurting yet. A decision I would regret lol. The contractions got stronger/closer together but weren’t that painful until all of a sudden they were unbearable. I was literally screaming for the epidural. I got my husband to help me to the bathroom because I felt like I had to pee or poop, but nothing came out. I was nauseous and kept feeling so much pressure. I kept saying I can’t do this. All signs I have during transition. But in the past my labors were all so long (40 and 16 hours) so I thought there was no way I could be transitioning already. I honestly thought I was being a wimp asking for the epidural already. The dr and nurses had just been in the room ten minutes ago and I was totally fine. So the nurse came back and wanted me back on the monitor and told me the anesthesiologist was on his way. He gets there and does the numbing shot and places the needle. I’m really struggling at this point and am fighting the overwhelming urge to push. I yell at my husband to call my mom. I had told her not to come yet because it would be a while before it was baby time 🤦‍♀️ The nurse was having me do shallow breaths and wanted me to hug a pillow. She said this was my last opportunity to get the epidural. I had my hands on either side. Sort of holding myself up. I literally couldn’t move. I was trying so hard not to but my body was pushing. She told me not to bear down and she looks between my legs and baby is crowning. She tells the anesthesiologist to pull the needle out that I needed to lay down because baby was coming. I said Rhonda no lol. In a spray of blood his head was out as I laid down. My husband said it was like a water fountain. Then I pushed literally once for each shoulder and he was out. I tell you I screamed/made noises I couldn’t recreate. I went full cave woman lol. It was wild, and happened so fast. I literally had a sore throat from screaming. . I don’t remember but I guess the whole team even nicu nurses were there to catch. I really don’t know how they got there so fast. Baby needed a lot of suction and some oxygen so I couldn’t hold him right away. That was scary. They had me wait for my dr to get there to deliver placenta. Turns out I had a small placental abruption which is why I had been bleeding and what caused my precip labor. She gets there and I push out the placenta. It doesn’t all come out. They give me some morphine and the dr literally puts her whole hand up to scrape pieces of the placenta out. My husband was with the baby and Rhonda my nurse was letting me squeeze her hand and talking me through. This shit hurt! This was at 3:28 am. So I went from 4cm to baby born in 1.5 hours, looking back I should have known I was transitioning but I just thought there was no way that was happening already. Honestly after two inductions with epidurals even though it was intense and fast, if I had to do it again I’d do the precip/natural over the medicated births. Also my recovery has been easier and shockingly I didn’t even tear. I was s surprised since he basically flew out. My amazing nurse got me more painkillers and told me don’t hesitate to ask for more that I didn’t have to be tough anymore. I literally cried. She said she hadn’t done a delivery in a long time and that everyone was going to give her a hard time for how it went, but I couldn’t have gotten through it without her. She was amazing.

Side note the dr at labor and delivery kept trying to talk us into pitocin. Having had bad experiences with it my last two labors I kept declining. Thank god I did, I shutter to think how fast/intense it would have gone with that demon drug. Just remember don’t be afraid to advocate for your wishes!

Thanks for reading sorry for the length but this was very therapeutic for me to write out. I’ve never written one for my other births and I’ve forgotten so much.