How do I help my 6 year old?


So my son is VERY sensitive. Everything makes him cry. And I mean EVERYTHING. He plays among us a lot, he cries if he gets voted out or if the imposter kills him, or if he’s the crew mate too many times in a row. He cries any and every time things don’t go his exact way. He cries because breakfast is the first meal of the day (even though we’ve told him countless times that there’s nothing wrong with breakfast for lunch or dinner and vice versa). He’s very picky and will only eat a few select things, and if you even mention the possibility of him trying something new, instant tears. Even if it’s candy/dessert. If it’s new he’s not trying it. He also cannot do anything by himself. If we ask him to clean his room, instant break down “I can’t do it! It’s too much for me!” Or “it’s going to take so long!!!” He was recently diagnosed with adhd, and I know that is a big part of why he can’t control his emotions. But how do I teach him? I also have adhd and so does his dad but I went undiagnosed for a really long time and just thought I was overly sensitive. I thought my explosive anger was normal because my parents had it too. My fiancé (his dad) was diagnosed and medicated semi young and it zombified him so he stopped taking it. I was scared into hiding my emotions as a kid, I got yelled at for crying and having outbursts so I started crying alone in my room and self harm came soon after. So I don’t want to punish him for crying, I just want to help him express himself with words instead of falling to the floor screaming over every minor inconvenience. How do I help him work through this and help him learn to control his emotions? He keeps telling me he can’t control them so I need a way to convince him that he can if he tries so he will actually try. Any advice? I’m at a loss and I miss my happy boy 🥺