Overactive toddler? Does anyone else’s kids do this? 😅😮‍💨

I know toddlers can be rowdy and have lots of energy but my son just seems to never sit still particularly when we are sitting on furniture. (He’s 2.5 years old btw) but especially my bed I struggle getting him to just sit down for even 5 seconds. If we are on any piece of furniture he just sees it as a trampoline park and is jumping up and down, climbing up the back of the furniture, doing flips, rolling around, jumping and stepping all over me, climbing on me, he just won’t EVER sit down. It’s to the point I don’t even sit on the same furniture as him because he just tramples me. He pulls my hair, he comes behind me and will wrap his arms around me and just fall backwards, he will jump on me, stand on my stomach or legs and sometimes pinches the fat on my body with his feet. I just don’t know why he can never be still on furniture EVER. He’s been evaluated for autism or being on the spectrum and he’s not. The biggest issue is my bed, it is LITERALLY broke down to the floor from him jumping on it all day every day. Like my bed is actually caved in🫠 If we are in my bedroom he is almost always jumping on the bed. I got my bed brand spanking new in the plastic and everything not even a year ago and the whole thing is just falling apart.🤦‍♀️ I have a steel box spring and the box spring is completely bent, warped, and mashed, it doesn’t sit level anymore and the box spring is falling off the slats so my whole bed is tilted and the middle of my bed touches the floor. The headboard is coming apart from the frame because he just holds onto my headboard and rocks back and forth or climbs up it. I have tried firmly telling him no over and over and over, I’ve tried yelling at him, I’ve tried spanking him, I’ve tried just removing him from the furniture and he will get right back on it. Idk what to do but he is literally breaking down all my furniture from being so wild on it. I’m thinking I’m going to have to take my bed apart and just put the mattress on the floor at this point because it’s so tore up it’s not when comfortable to sleep on anymore.

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