Could I be? Scared to test


Before anyone starts, yes I have an appointment to talk to my Dr about BC.

No judgement please ..things happen.

I had sex 2 days before my fertile window, a week from peak ovulation day according to the app. I know it's not 100% but I don't track cause I'm not trying. Just got caught up in the heat of the moment and alcohol.

Usually I start a few days before you're says I should start. I haven't had much of pms this time, only a few cramps vs the normal sore nips for about a week and a very emotional day 1-2 days before starting.

Also usually I seem to be super horny and wet a lot during ovulation days, not this time.

I feel I need to add, we slipped last month after some drinks. Exactly a week before my period started.

But period came, only lasted 4 days instead of a week. A started out spotting for a day very very light pink and this isn't normal for me. Started the next day, during the whole thing I only filled 1 tampon rest of the time was just a small spot on one side. Period stopped for 2 days then started spotting again pink/orange for a day then stopped.

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