Help please!

My almost 4 y/o attends summer camp where she’ll be starting school for the first time next month. Today when I picked her up, they filled out and had me sign a “behavior report” stating she hit another student with a toy car. I was distracted and had my other baby with me so I read it but didn’t really process it until I had left. Basically states she hit him because she got frustrated (teachers words) and when asked, my daughter said “the car bounced up and hit him”.

Now I’m not trying to be bias nor that parent that’s like “my child would never do such a thing”. But my daughter swears up and down she never hit him. She claims she was playing with the cars, and the little boy came up and crashed a car into hers and it bounced up and hit him in the face. I asked where the teacher was when this happened and she said “at her desk working”. I asked how the teacher found out about the boy getting hurt and she said he called the teacher. Anytime I’ve ever asked my daughter if she hit or hurt her brother or anyone she says yes, or she runs away because she’s scared she’ll get in trouble. Apparently that didn’t happen when asked what happened. She has a baby brother so we’re very adamant about keeping our hands to ourselves, expressing anger with words.

I’ve asked her multiple different ways and thinking of anything that would maybe have her tell me a different story but her story is 100% solid and has never swayed. She also said she was “sad that the car hit him”. Not frustrated as the teacher stated. I just don’t see why my daughter wouldn’t tel me either if she really did hit him?

I’m only upset about this because it’s a private school we had to get accepted into and this goes on her record for her school year and I don’t want her to get special eyes on her worried if she’ll be a bully.

I’m my daughters advocate and really do believe her, obviously if they say the teacher definitely saw it happen I’ll have to have a talk with her but what do I do? What do I say? Im meeting with the teacher tomorrow but I don’t want to come off blaming or rude. Please help!!