Breast cancer after thyroid cancer


Little bit of a back story here….

I was diagnosed with follicular thyroid carcinoma in may of 2022 after having my left thyroid lobe removed. The right lobe was just recently removed in April of this year and I am now cancer free. Ironically, my cancer was initially “found” during a routine physical for work that I had to have done yearly for cheaper insurance premiums and I remember telling my doctor that I would be her easiest appointment. Other than a tonsillectomy at age 6, an appendectomy at 22, and the births of my two babies I have no medical history. After she saw that my thyroid was enlarged and ordered blood work showing normal levels, I called my husband and joked that it would end uo being cancer or something because that’s usually how it happens. People go to the doctor for a routine check up or something completely unrelated and find out they have cancer, and sure enough that was the case. During my thyroid cancer journey, my doctor had referred me for genetic counseling to have the blood work for genetic cancer testing done due to my diagnosis and my strong history of cancer in my family. The counselor believes I may have a PTEN gene mutation because of my thyroid cancer (diagnosed at age 27), my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 20, and her father had prostate cancer in his 40’s.

Yesterday I went to have my blood work drawn for my genetic testing (finally! 🙌🏼) ironically, yet again, 3 days before my appointment I found a lump on my right breast. For the last two years or so (due to my thyroid issues) I’ve been overly tired, but the last month or so it’s been much worse. I’ve been dead ass exhausted literally everyday and crash as soon as I get home from work and still sleep all night long and fight sleep almost constantly. Headaches and migraines have been back full force, a headache everyday and migraines usually twice a week at least. I’ve been nauseous and have no appetite. I had been experiencing some pain in my right breast and a weird little spot to the right of my nipple that is discolored. It almost looks like a scar with a bruise sort of and just threw a reg flag for me so in the shower a few days ago I noticed the lump and immediately thought “here we go again..” I mentioned it to my doctor and I’m being referred to our breast care center for further testing.

I guess I’m just looking for someone with similar experiences and what your outcomes were.. has anyone been diagnosed with breast cancer soon after having thyroid cancer? Anyone here with a PTEN gene mutation and what has that been like for you? Or anyone that’s had breast cancer before or had symptoms similar to mine that was or wasn’t cancer. I’m trying not to freak myself out but I’m just feeling really off and I don’t have a good gut feeling about it. I’ve had benign lumps twice, one in each breast, and never had any symptoms whatsoever and they ended up being benign so this has been a whole different ball game.