38 cycle PCOS

My period was supposed to start on July 28, I have been busy and tied up from work and haven’t thought anything of it , Until I noticed a few symptoms including lower back pain, high sensitivity to smells, vivid dreams , tiredness and my dog has been very attached too lately lol an importantly a missed period. In 2016, I was diagnosed with pcos soo It was harder for me too conceive naturally until I visited my obgyn and she prescribed me some birth control to help regulate my periods since I was irregular at that time and 2019 I got pregnant after one month of getting of bc but then suffered a miscarriage at 17 weeks and every since then my husband and I have been ttc naturally ,but after the MC my periods were coming every month but no ovulation and no luck ; fast forward too last month where we were baby dusting around the time when the app said I was” fertile” and “ will ovulation” .I didn’t think of it because my periods were coming but no ovulation and I’m nervous to take a test because I don’t want to lose hope.. Has anyone conceived naturally with PCOS?