Sharing a EP win today ❤️🙌🏾


So my husband was joking with me saying I have enough milk to feed the whole neighborhoods babies lol. I started building my stash every since I brought my LO home, I had mastitis the first week. I did everything under the sun to express milk to unclog my milk ducts, from hand expressing to using an electric pump. Every chance I got I would save for the freezer and keep enough fresh milk to feed my baby.

I’ve been doing this every day since then my baby is 3 weeks old going on a month. At first I was panicking about staying on schedule about pumping but now I feel like I’m not doing too bad. I bagged all my milk bags up except for a few and I bought jumbo ziplock baggies to store them in. They’re being sent to my mother in laws cause I don’t have enough room and I calculated each bag in the ziplock bag and came up with 102 oz not including the 5-6 bags I left in the freezer.