Implantation at 12 DPO @ 8 months Pp?


Can you get implantation bleeding at 11/12 DPO? I’m 8 months Pp, first period postpartum in 2 years was (LMP) was June 21st…

it’s hard to tell when my cycle will end when I missed a period last month. But I’m going off my ovulation strips & I did have ewm when I ovulated (if I did)…still waiting on progesterone blood test results.

I just got some light pink spotting, I am having some period-like cramping, peeing every hour seems like…Idk if it’s implantation or period if I ovulated late.

Attached is my chart (ran out of e@h and continued with premom tests). Says I ovulated the 16-17th if peak was 15th?

All my hcg tests are negative so far