Feel so alone

I have two young children, youngest is 1 years old, eldest 10, so last week our little one had her jabs done and The next day ended up in hospital due to not eating or drinking, she's was very poorly we got out Sunday morning at 6am, I had no sleep, then two days later ended up in hospital again, then little one ended with a cough which has made her poorly, not sleep properly waking and only settling when she's laid on our bed, which I won't sleep, in 2 weeks I have had broken sleep or no sleep, I don't get lay ins even on weekends, I work 2 days a week 8 hour shifts in a shop, aswell as looking after the kids,school runs, cleaning,washing and looking after our baby, I pay almost all the bills apart from the phone bill which is his, today he got in a real crappy and snappy mood and wasn't exactly nice at all to me. Because I gave him our little one so I could put the stuff in the fridge and freezer which I told him I needed to do, he made the remark all I want to do is watch one football match, I've been at work all week and been sorting the plasterboard on the wall, putting stuff away isn't important, at this points I'm exhausted from broken sleep and next to no support because he works all week he deems it he shouldn't have to be up in the night with his baby as he works full time and I only work part time, I have days where I cry myself to self as I feel like I'm a single parent or I am not allowed a break, a full night sleep or a lay in, on weekends he always gets lay ins till 11am but that point I've been up since 5:30/6am, I told him on exhausted. That's why I collapsed on the sofa an fell asleep, he wants looking after because he's neck and head hurts, and I'm selfish when I don't think about how he's feeling,his mental health or his needs, I said why can't you once on a blue moon get up with the kids so I can lay in, why can't you be up in the night with little one so I can have at least one decent night sleep, considering he has a full night sleep all the time for the last year, his response was you don't have a strenuous job, you work part time, your job isn't mentally or physically straining, I said we both have responsibilities for the kids, I said about me having a break and being offered to go out or rest, he came out with when do you ever offer, you never do, which I have told him numerous.times to meet friends go for a drink, he runs a football team on a Sunday, training Thursday, has been on a night out literally this weekend gone, I haven't had a night out since my bday 5 months ago which was only the second time I've gone out and over a year ago was the first time, after having our baby, I literally do everything, I ended up saying I won't ask again or mention it as I'm not entitled to it. I have been in tears and now sit there and tell myself I'm on the wrong,I shouldn't ask or expect, he shouldn't have to offer I should ask. I have hit such a low. He gets to go to the pub Sunday after his matches and Thursday after training. I'm literally home,work,kids,cleaner and cook. Go see friends with kids,take kids places, never anywhere on my own. Am I wrong and did I deserve him flipping on me and saying I'm selfish.