Getting baby to sleep anywhere….


Y’all my baby cannot fall asleep in public, she’s too excited to be around people, but I see her baby friend sleeping peacefully in the carrier or at a friends house and they just take their baby and let them sleep on the ground in the other room….literally that baby will sleep with people screaming in the room next to them.

Is this just like an introvert/extrovert thing?

My baby is an extreme extrovert, while her little baby friend is a definite introvert….

It’s not like she’s crying or screaming. She’s just so stimulated by all the people she will literally go goofy trying to keep herself awake….even as a newborn she had extreme fomo and never wanted to miss out and fall asleep….

Is my baby the only one that literally cannot sleep in public. And do y’all have any tips for how to get baby to sleep when around people?

For reference my baby is sleep trained at night, and she does great at night, but during the day she contact naps and nurses to sleep. I tried to stop that, but when I did my supply tanked so we went back to nursing to sleep/contact napping. I’m not willing to nurse to sleep in public as she won’t take a cover and I won’t breastfeed in public without one. please don’t try and convince me to “free the boob” it’s not an option for my lifestyle.

Anyways am I screwed? Lol, is there anything I can do? Hahaha