So confused

Sometimes I just want to take a break from my life sometimes I feel like I’m too far gone and there’s no hope for me I’m a mom of a sweet child who has cerebral palsy so I have lots of care I have a 2 year old and expecting baby #3 I am burned out from trying to figure out life , all of these damn therapies I need therapy for myself ! Just someone to talk to like I don’t have any friends I feel like I have the most dead relationship ever like it seem like there is no life here in our relationship and it truly makes me sad also trying to communicate that to my partner I don’t know if he understand I respect him for what he does for our family he probably has his moments too but sometimes I just wish things were different I feel so misunderstood I’m trying to create a life outside all of this something that makes me happy outside of my children I just don’t know yes I love my kids I know my situation with my oldest would be complicated but I’m burnt out it’s been 5 years and I feel like I have lost myself in the process I wish I had another special needs parent who understood this pain