Engaged and Scared

I'm in my late 20s, living with my mom and dating a wonferful guy my mom and brother has no issues with. My boyfriend, now fiance proposed to me since night but my family has no idea about the proposal. I met this man little under a yr and we started falling in love with each other as days went by. Now, I would love to talk with my mother about proposal but I'm a little hesistant because my mother does not agree with marriage or proposal after meeting a person in a short apace of time. Additionally, her marriage with my father went down hill so, she is a little cautious when it comes to my siblings and I getting married. What should I do? Updated version: I told my mother and she is very disappointed about the fact that my fiance didn't go to her nor my siblings about the proposal or wanting to get my family involved entirely. I spoke to him about it and he tried reaching out to my mother via phone call but she didnt answer him. She told me she was not interested in talking with him. Before all this, my mom was accepting of him but this situation caused her to not have much liking to him. I love this man and my family as well therefore, I dont want to jeapodize any of the relationship I have with them.