How do I get into the things my husband is in to?

My husband is into pegging. It’s all he ever talks about. It’s all he ever wants. He buys hundreds of dollars of stuff.

I do feel bad because I think I’m more vanilla when it comes to our sex life. I think it’s mostly because I’m exhausted from life. I’ve always been in school full time and working full time. Now I’m working full time and taking care of a 4 month old. I’m the default parent to the extreme, but my husband works hard and is the breadwinner and is an all around caring and hardworking man.

I think it’s also because it’s ALL he ever talks about. I could be talking about dirty dishes and he finds a way to bring up straight filthy talk. In front of our baby too. I know he can’t understand what his dad is saying but I still don’t like it. I tell him this and he keeps doing it.

So he’s into pegging and I’m not. I hate the whole role reversal idea he is trying to pitch to me. I’ve tried it, because I think compromise is important but I hate looking down and seeing that. It feels like part of my womanhood is taken. I hate it. I’ve told him I hate the dildos that match my skin color. He just doesn’t get it. He keeps buying things. New thing became oegqmsing in a chastity cage with a vibrator.

I’m just beyond overwhelmed from the constant purchasing of new things, constant non stop talk, after we have sex all he talks about is other stuff he wants. There’s no after care or cuddling.

I did talk to him about all this after our baby is born and he is putting in a solid effort. I feel bad because his birthday was yesterday and I was willing to try again and try to be more “dominant” but I walked in the room after putting the baby to bed and a GIANT dildo the color of my skin was out and ready. I got upset and asked if he could change it while I washed my pump parts. I came back and everything was put away and he said he was all set. I felt sad because it took me a while to become comfortable with this and I laid out what made me uncomfortable that day so we could start on the right foot and he completely ignored it.

I just don’t know how we save our sex life basically. How do I get more confidence in the things he likes? I don’t want him to feel like there’s something wrong with what he likes and I want to compromise. At the same time I just want to also feel comfortable doing it too. Sorry I don’t know if this is the right group to ask. I’m hoping it is. I feel like other groups might say he’s gay and I know he’s not. Just because he likes pegging doesn’t mean he’s gay.

I don’t have any friends to talk to about this stuff so I’m hoping you all can help me.