
So I was going to wait until tomorrow to test because God spoke to me and told me to test on October 9th, that it will come back positive clear as day. Also I feel like he told me it will also be a girl...

.. But tonight I got too

antsy.. so on my way home from going out to eat, I bought first response tests, a three pack. I've been using Premom strips and getting faint positives (you can see on my profile) but I couldn't really tell because it was so faint almost like a shadow. Im pretty sure I'm pregnant. Please comment do

Btw the first pic (faint one) was at 8:30pm...

Second darker one is the SAME TEST .. but like 8 mins later. (I KNOW IT SAYS DONT READ RESULTS AFTER 10 MINS, IT GOT DARKER)

Vote below to see results!