Dear you


Some days the missing you gets to be too strong. Some days all I can think of are a girl and guy in their mid 20s meeting up at a Starbucks downtown in the snow. Your jacket smelled like smoke. We were two characters in a novel. Your hazel eyes felt like home. I was wearing my combat boots. I will never be that young again. Things in my life will never be that easy. We went to dinner and smiled at each other during the awkward moments when the server came over. We held hands like it was the most familiar thing in the world. No one will read my mind the way you did. You felt like my soulmate and then you let me go. Some days the missing you gets to where I can feel it so heavy in my chest. Like I’m searching for you, but not who you are now, the you that is frozen in time. We are not meant for each other in this life. I wish I could have closure.