Need Opinions


My boyfriend and I were talking and I told him that i wasn’t comfortable with his mom being in the room, but I’d put my feelings aside because I know that’s what he wants, especially since it’s his first baby and her first grandbaby. (I know it’s my choice since I’m the one giving births, it’s not that serious to me) But I explained to him that i wouldn’t just go and get naked in front of his mom for the heck of it because i wasn’t comfortable with that. He doesn’t think I should be uncomfortable with his mom being in the room when i have the baby because we have “the same parts.” This wasn’t an argument between us and I’m not trying to prove anything to him, Im just curious on other women’s opinions, and curious as to how many women feel the same way I do.

Would you allow your MIL in the room when you give birth? If so, would you still be uncomfortable with it or it doesn’t bother you?

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