How to deal with labor trauma amd anxiety?


Hi, i had a traumatic birth that ended in an emergency c-section. My body went in shock during the surgery. I could not stop shaking. I thought i was going to die. Me and my husband are both traumatized by it. On top of that i have anxiety about post partum preeclampsia since my blood pressure is still high (even if on medication). Were getting no sleep because of baby, i should mostly be on bed rest but i still do like 5% of the things while my husband does 95% of everything right now. My body refuses to sleep. I wake up in panic pretty much all the time after like 5-10 mins of sleep. We asked for help and my husband's brother is going to come and help later today, his parents have been bringing in meals and help clean the house etc but we still feel overwhelmed and out of breath, especially right now because baby is constantly crying and not sleeping. So i was wondering if you guys have any tips for us? We have an appointment later today with our Dr so we're going to go over that with him but i still feel like my body is shutting down, we feel helpless and I'm so scared of dying and leaving behind my husband and little girl. Any help appreciated :(