Here I go again


Hey everyone! I’m not new to pregnancy. This is my 4 baby. I’m still in shock that I go pregnant so quickly after removing nexplanon. I had one period, then missed one, a month later I tested positive. After my period was late I started testing and got negative results every time. But I KNEW. Ya know? I finally got a positive test nearly three months after my last period. Doctor confirmed the pregnancy and here I go again. I guess I’m just weirded out by the negative tests bc with all my other kiddos, I would test before that missed period and it was able to detect all of them. So I found out I was pregnant with them at about 2 weeks! Which is nuts, I know. But this one, idk I guess I’m worried? Maybe bc I’m in my thirties now and this is my fourth, risks go up and I’m nervous. My ultrasound appointment is on Friday though so at least I have that to look forward to.