Finally 🥹


I got a pretty cool birthday gift, as we finally got to see our little baby today 🥹 at 12w3d baby is measuring exactly one week ahead at 13w3d, is suuper active, and had the hiccups the entire appt. Us tech saw it move around and start sucking it's thumb at the very start of the appt, and managed to get a picture of it, that we got extra with the pics we bought. I think it's my favorite one 🥹

Baby was looking perfectly healthy in every way, hr 164, and the tech was very happy with all the "healthy movements" baby was making 🙈

Seeing our baby was the most surreal experience, think the dad would agree 😅 it made everything so much more real, and it calmed a lot of my nerves, as I don't have any real symptoms, I'm just tired now and then, and have to pee a lot, and my boobs are sore, so I don't really feel pregnant most of the time.. my brain cannot be in denial after seeing that absolutely fully real, extremely active, tiny human inside my belly! 😅

We created life, and this is happening, and I feel like I can finally start to actually enjoy being pregnant now.. all that's missing is telling everybody, which we didn't want to do before we saw everything was okay, think both me and baby daddy are freaking out a little about that part 🙈

Thanks for basically reading a full therapy session here, I don't have a lot of people to talk to about any of this as basically nobody knows yet, and I really wanted to share something positive for once in my life, and start being excited about it all 🥲