Clogged Pores


helllpp please so I have textured skin and I bought lactic acid and i think it's pushing all the gunk out to the surface and I'm starting to scratch my pores to get it out like the pus sack idk what it is but it's yellow ball lol anyways iss there a mask or anything to take them off peel them off idk but I have a bit of autism and textures bother me sm and I hate touching my face now cause I can feel all these bumps and now every other bump has like another bump which is the gunk coming out. 😣 tysm

my skincare routine is

cleaser for acne am and pm

lactic acid 10% to HA am and pm

hyaluronic acid am and pm

azelic acid ( on and off )

salicylic acid pm only

hydrating gel moisturizer am and pm

and sunscreen