My 7month old won’t sleep


I have tried all of the go to tricks and tips, I have googled until my fingers won’t move! All of his sisters slept through the night pretty early on, around 3 months consistently.

He used to give us like one or two nights a week where he would sleep through the night, now he doesn’t. He is waking 3-7 times a night. My husband works first and has to get up super early, and I have to be up a couple hours later to get the girls to school. I don’t know what to do, I’m getting maybe 2.5 hours sporadically through the night. I have tried upping his bottles, consistently sticking to a bed time routine, I even changed him from his bassinet to a pack n play for more room. We want to put him in his crib, but he will have to share a room with his sister (for the time being) but I don’t want him waking her up all night.

It’s screwing with my sanity, my husband and I are on edge and arguing all the time, we are holding resentment towards each other, like I just don’t know what to do! Any help?