Advice! should I stay in their life or leave?


So my kids n I have an awesome relationship, I have 2 daughters the ages of 26yrs, and 23yrs, and 2 boys the ages of 21yrs, and 19yrs. So they are my whole world and my best friends. If you would meet us you would think we are the best friends, So don’t get me wrong i do not bother any of them i don’t call or txt them unless they txt or call me 1st. So my oldest daughter is pregnant with my 1st grandchild🥰, her husband and I don’t get along. Because of this I was not aloud to go to her gender reveal, when she had her baby shower i was not aloud to go that either, it broke my heart so much i ignored it and we keep face-time/video calling and texting smiling laughing joking like we always did. 😢. My daughters due any day now, and she told me I can go meet the baby at hospital when she gives birth🧐, but after that im not allow to be in my grandchild’s life😭. Where or What did i do wrong? As much as it breaks my heart💔I will step back as she wishes, and she still texts and video calls me, as if nothing is wrong! my heart is in peaces..what should i do?

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