Losing Baby

Laurabeth • 💍2015💞 🎀Penelope2016🏎Eliseo2018 🪁Jehu2020🐣Chadwick2021 👼Alma2023

Hey guys I think I’m still in a bit of shock. I’ve never lost a baby before. This is my 5th pregnancy and I’m blessed to have 4 beautiful healthy children. We went in to do a gender reveal ultrasound and the tech told us sorry but there is no heartbeat or blood flow. Whirlwind if a day yesterday in the ER which confirmed. My baby passed on over a week ago at 12+5. I am to call and schedule a D&C on Monday. Just really hard to not feel so much loss or attachment to my baby even though their already gone. And even though this is my 5th, I still feel devastated. Not how I wanted to spend my thanksgiving either. Trying to looks at the positives though like my wonderful other children. If you pray, please pray. Otherwise any positive thoughts sent my way would be greatly appreciated. Much love to you mamas on your may babies. May you all have healthy and smooth pregnancies and hold your little ones come spring 💛