It’s sitting in!

In 2021 I got my first positive! I was so over joyed after being told I have pcos I never thought I’d get to see the two lines telling me I have a miracle growing inside me but there it was. Finally I would get to share the news with my family. I couldn’t keep it in. A week after telling my news I didn’t feel right but I couldn’t worry. A week after my grandmother had left this world so did my pregnancy. A week before my first ultrasound. I cried but picked myself up and kept going. 2022 I got pregnant again two lines popped so fast so dark but started bleeding a week after finding out knew it was happening again but was hopeful cause my levels were still raising, got an ultrasound which looked like a 5 week sac but no fetus. This month is so hard my first baby would’ve been 2 this year and my second would’ve been 1. I’ve grieved my miscarriages harder this year then I have since they happened. I just want my successful pregnancy. Progesterone low indicating no ovulation happening. This is just hard mentally. Just exhausted.