My traumatic birth story


I was due December 16th but due to preeclampsia gestational diabetes to much fluid around baby and her being big I had to have her by C-section on November 18th she is my 4th C-section the C-section went well but after I started to hemorrhage after losing 2 liters of blood I had to go back in the or I was scared to death my hemoglobin was at 6 I had to have a dnc to clean out my uterus and a blood transfusion the pain meds weren’t touching me at all they put me on 15mg oxy and I still felt everything she was born at exactly 36 weeks 11/18/23 7lbs 15oz 19 1/2 @ 3:24pm after all the pain and almost dying I would do it all over agin for her welcome to the world baby girl 💖