Does this sound like RSV?

It feels like my kids have been sick FOREVER. Lol but It’s been about 2 weeks. They’re 3.5 and 14 months.

It started out with fevers for both of them lasting like 2-3 days. Then they developed runny noses and HORRIBLE coughs. I mean the first couple nights I was up all night with them because they could not stop hacking. They were coughing so hard until they would puke, even. It’s been 2 weeks and they’re still coughing.

My 14 month old wasn’t wheezing or anything but at one point he was breathing fast. Both of them developed ear infections from it (their fevers came back really high so we took them to urgent care and both have infected ear). And they have just been so miserable and have missed so much school.

Does this sound like RSV? I’m so terrified of them getting it, especially my 14 month old. They didn’t test them for it at dr or urgent care because their lungs sounded good. But I kind of wish they would’ve just so I would’ve known 😩