help!! kid out of control.

i, 22 f, just got engaged to my, 23m, fiancé. I am currently 6 months pregnant with a baby boy💙 i have a daughter from a previous relationship & he has a so from a previous relationship.

our kids are COMPLETE opposites. My daughter, who is 3 years old, never cries unless she’s hurt. she’s gentle, loving, & so super duper sweet. My step son, 4 (almost 5), is the opposite. He is OVERLY emotional compared to any child i have worked with. We thought maybe it was something else, so he was screened for autism but they say it’s a behavioral problem, not autism. He is MEAN. He will hit adults, children, animals, etc. he has no regard for feelings of others. He will bully my daughter. He’s JEALOUS. He pushes her, kicks her, bites her, pulls her hair, etc. i keep telling my fiancé that he’s gotta get this under control before our baby gets here but he thinks nothing is wrong with him. I don’t know what else to do but leave my fiancé, or as bad as it sounds, tell him that his son cannot be around our other children. I am LOST. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!