Feeling guilty leaning on my tribe


So here’s the thing. I’m juggling this pregnancy and some pretty rough morning sickness, and because of that, my little 3-year-old dude is spending a lot of time with our extended family. He’s mostly with his auntie, who’s been like a second mom since he was tiny, and on weekends, other family members take turns to give me some breathing space.

I’m wrestling with this worry that I might be messing up by not being around him as much as I used to. He seems happy and all, but you know, the mom brain wonders if this could somehow be tough on him in ways I don’t see. At the same time, I’m really leaning on my tribe more than ever. It’s like I need this support to get through, but I’m scared of dropping the ball with my son.

Has anyone else been in this boat? How did you deal with these mixed feelings? I guess I’m just looking for some friendly words or experiences to help ease this mom guilt and make sure I’m not messing up.

Thanks a ton for hearing me out.