Help please!


So I’m due to have my next baby boy 5th February and i have an issue my 19month old will NOT sleep through the night 😩 honestly I’m exhausted he’s goes to sleep really well i put him to bed with a bottle and his blanket turn on his sleep music and i leave the room every night at 7.30 in his dark room, he goes to sleep perfectly alone no issues but he doesn’t sleep through the night he wakes up around 1/2 has a bottle and will go sleep for 1/2 hours then he is awake and i cant leave him to go back to sleep because he smacks the hell out of his cot and i don’t want it to disturb the neighbours so all in all he goes bed at 19.30 and gets up around 4.30 today we was up at 3am and he’s still running round like he’s slept 12 hours 😞

I would like to try getting this nipped in the bud before the baby arrives 🤦🏻‍♀️

Any advice would be great!🤷🏻‍♀️💙