Confused and need help/advice


Long post -

Last Monday on 12/11 we went in for our very first appointment and I should’ve been 8w5d. We had an ultrasound first and only saw a sack measuring 6 weeks with a yolk sac. And a smaller second sac that was empty. My HCG was 11,302, went in Wednesday for a redraw and it went down to 9,450. They told me I was going to miscarry. Which I’ve had 3 previously. Flash forward to this weekend and I have started to spot. And I say spit because to me bleeding would be when it’s heavy enough to be on a pad. This is only when I wipe. And my tests are still very very dark. And in the past all my tests when I miscarry have gotten lighter. Should I just accept it that I’m going to miscarry or go in for more testing?

Pictures are of pregnancy tests since last Monday. Even when my HCG had dropped.