11 DPO Symptoms


Hey friends!

This morning I took a pregnancy test and got my BFP! Yay, I just wanted to come on here an share some symptoms as I believe mine weren’t the usual. But first some background Info I am 32 and have been ttc on an off for 5 years (so many negatives) I was about to give up. I’m hoping an praying my little bean sticks! 🙏🏽 I know the title says 11 dpo but I’m unsure if I ovulated on the 7th or 9th of December because this month I decided I wasn’t gonna use ovulation tests anymore . So I went on feeling (left sided cramps) get those every month, plus counted 10 days from last day of period. And I had 4 period tracking apps 3/4 apps had different ovulation dates. (4th, 7th and 9th) I chose two days in between these days to baby dance. (4th and 7th).

Because I didn’t know for sure when I ovulated I waited 5 days from the 4th of December to start paying attention to any symptoms.

9th Dec: noticeable lower left abdominal cramps on an off during the day. The cramps felt like ovulation cramps/ sharp very brief stabbing pain. Didn’t think much of it.

December 10th: cm was watery still normal for me.

10 Dec: nothing new still had cramping on and off on side an in the middle of abdomen.

11 Dec (7 dpo) : I noticed I was weirdly out of breath even though I wasn’t doing much. Thought it was my mind playing tricks on me or maybe I was out of shape but this symptom continues to this day. I’m getting winded walking very short distances, when talking, and eating. My husband thinks I’m nuts or lying, but this was definitely my first clue that something was off.

12 Dec: Light cramping left side an mid area

Lower back pain left side

Feeling of fullness in abdominal almost like I a huge belly already and was stiff.

Feel shortness of breathe

Lots of cm (watery, clear with tiny white clumps) new symptom that also clued me in because I usually dry up after ovulation with in one or 2 days.

13 Dec: nothing new


Watery cm

Lower back pain

Feeling of fullness

Shortness of breathe

14 December (10-11 dpo):

New symptoms which isn’t the norm for me. I had no sore breast. Since starting my period I have always had sore breast after ovulation. And here I am approx 10-11 dpo an no sore breast.

15 Dec: had a vivid dream of having given birth to a baby girl who was 6lbs 8 oz.

hot flashes in the early morning which woke me up. This is still happening.


Random bag aches not painful but made me say “oh, what” that’s weird lol. Started debating on but a test.

Lots of cm (watery, clear with tiny white clumps)

Dec 16: same symptoms baby girl dream again


Still having shortness of breathe

No sore boobs I noticed they were heavier last night but don’t hurt.

Still have early morning hot flashes

Headaches, and some constipation.

I’ve spent a lot of time searching symptoms and I can say that I don’t have a lot of the typical symptoms.

I don’t have:

Sore boobs or itchy nips and no color change to nipples.

I don’t have the typical white milky cm. (Mine is clear watery with little clumps and it isn’t a whole lot either. Just enough to notice that I have some wetness down there.

No nausea/ vomiting

No increased/ decreased appetite

No fatigue

No stuffy nose

No sensitive to smell

No cravings or food aversions

No frequent urination

No spotting

I know this might change but for right now this is what I noticed. I hope it helps i know Ive been googling like crazy an based on what I read as symptoms I thought I was out this month. Thank goodness I trusted my body an just felt like something was off even though I didn’t have many of the major symptoms.

My big clue was the consistent wetness, shortness of breathe an lack of sore breast.

I’m could be anywhere from 8-14 dpo, but I feel like I may have ovulated Dec 4 putting me at 14 dpo but not certain.

Hoping baby bean sticks. It’ll be my first pregnancy an I’m anxious, nervous, but trying not to get too excited until I get it confirmed by my dr.

Anyone else feeling similar?