Very Upset (long post )


Hey everyone, I had my second ultrasound a few days ago and it went terribly wrong. Just for background, this is my first pregnancy. One that my partner and o have planned for and anticipated for awhile. A close family member of mine was excited for the pregnancy and for us, and seemed to be really supportive. She’s been tagging along on all of appointments this far and there has never been an issue. Until now. I’ve been waiting and waiting to finally know the gender of this baby for 18 long weeks, so needless to say that I was super excited for my ultrasound to show something. Right as the nurse is smearing the gel on my belly, she of course asks if we want to know the gender or keep it a surprise. I was so nervous that I didn’t speak up as quickly as I should have and my family member answered for me. “Write it down on a piece of paper and I’ll be the one to keep it. I’m planning the gender reveal.” And it was immediate shock. This person never expressed the first bit of interest in planning a gender reveal for me, and never even mentioned it to me. Unknowingly to her, I already had a friend who specializes in events to plan either a gender reveal or a baby shower for me. The nurse completely ignored my wishes once I finally found my voice back and sided with the family member. I was completely unheard and no one cared about what I wanted. It was as of this person completely took over my whole appointment as if it was her own pregnancy. This baby is growing inside of me, and I feel I should have a right to know what’s in my stomach. I wanted to be the one to buy my baby’s first outfit and all the bottles and adorable booties, but I feel like it’s been stolen from me. I was livid at first, and now that a few days have passed, I’m still angry and very hurt. I know I’m emotional right now, and maybe I’m overreacting, but this is a big deal to me and now I’m not on the mood for any event or party. I wanna birth my baby and hide away from everyone. Am I wrong? What would any of you all have done?