Need advice 😅

Second time mom currently 1month postpartum.

I had an excellent recovery with my first and now im having some weird things happen. Ive been constipated for two days now. I feel like i have to go but i cant push it out- if i try to push it out i get a lump in between my vagina and butt (vagina side). It’s definitely inside skin tissue, i felt it when i wiped, then i tried to look at it- couldn’t tell what it was- asked my husband to look- by the time he got there it went away. No pain other than the struggle to poop. It has happened twice now when trying to poop. Is it hemorrhoids? And i pushing out my uterus? Or is this just a weird large poop and im absolutely crazy! 😂😭 ive tried to get myself to “go” but didnt have stool softener on hand- usually coffee works but it didn’t do the trick. I’m going to get stuff after the holidays and see what i can do!