Codependency Issues

Just Më

So due to being enabled as a child, I'm realizing that I have a codependency problem and it really bothers me now to the point where I have these crying attacks internally because I'm trying to change the behavior, but all I really want to do is just cry and starve until I also figure out how to get out of debt.

My fiancé and I just got our new place a few months ago, so trying to get used to actually living with someone else away from family is also a big stressor at the moment because of (going back to) my codependency issues.

Not saying that he doesn't have any issues to work on either, it just feels a little harder to get past this without any help. I even asked him not to help me since this is something I have to deal with on my own.

Really just want to stop crying about everything it's annoying especially when the problems get figured out anyway 😤😔 anyone else kinda going through this?