Severe rib and chest pain??

k. • Rain 7-3-17👼🏻JBM 01•11•2019👑🩷RKC 02•23•2024🩵💙Baby Coles Sept. 2025❤️

I’m not sure what’s going on and this has happened only one other time in my pregnancy a month or two ago when I was really sick but for the past 3 days I’ve had HORRIBLE rib and chest/shoulder pain only on my left side to the point it hurts to breathe and I can’t lay on my left side, I’ve been having to sleep sitting up or not at all. What could this be?? I have a dr appointment tomorrow so I’m waiting it out but I’m miserable. I thought maybe baby is in my ribs because it hurts even more when I bend forward like something is pulling my ribs and organs but I dont know😬