Be honest please


My mum buys gifts for my kids that often bug me. She'll buy a really cheap toy for my son (his birthday gift broke in days), I can't even put batteries in his new toy because it's so badly made. I read reviews to see if I could get some advice and everyone said its a piece of crap. For my daughters birthday present she brought her pjamas, she measured them against my daughter and knew they were too small and says " well even if she gets one wear out of them its okay" and I'm like whats the point? My daughter wore them twice and then they didn't fit her.Am I being bitch? I dont expect anyone to spend loads on my kids, but I expected a bit more from my mum. I always make sure I buy decent gifts. I really think my issues stem from alot of other things for example my mum not really being there for me over the last 5 years (since having kids). My kids have been really ill and even on days i needed to the go the emergency room, my mum didn't babysit my other child (I was living with her at the time). When she did look after my son for 3 months whilst my daughter was in hospital,but she would do things like refuse to wash his hair because it was too much hassle. She also called me one day to say my son was throwing a tantrum and i need to come home to collect my child immediately (baring in my mind I was with my daughter and she was in and out of surgery). On another occasion instead of staying with my son at the hospital,i had to go back and forth with my daughter everyday. It was horrible. My mum doesnt work BTW but always claims to be busy,of course she can do what she likes. I got really annoyed and said she treats my kids like they're a burden, she preached having a village and I dont have anyone. When I remind her she has 5 sisters we stayed with all the time and also my dad for support, she makes out she did it all by herself. Her mum also babysat me whilst my mum was at work. I've been through alot and on my birthday this year,they went to my birthday dinner without me. I wanted to stay home and order food,but the restaurant was more important to her and my sibling. I didnt even get a Christmas card from either of them. My kids kept asking where my cards and gifts were and i said " i dont get gifts or cards". I brought my mum a gift she wanted and my sibling a gift from my kids. Also my kids dad isnt in the picture and not allowed to see our kids (court order). I have since distanced myself. This year really reminded me that its just me and my kids.