Toddler sleeping A LOT w/ RSV

Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

My son is 15 months. We took him to the ER 2 nights ago because his breathing and found out he has RSV. He’s still breathing fast but his chest isn’t caving or anything and they said he looked really good. His fever is broke and everything. But he has been constantly complaining tired.

He went to bed at 6pm because he couldn’t even keep his eyes open. He was up a lot at night just from being uncomfortable but slept until 9am and that was me waking him up. He was still super groggy and out of it. He ate his breakfast and drank all his milk. Then was already acting tired again. He laid down for nap only 2.5 hours after waking up.

Is it normal for them to be this excessively sleepy? I know his little body is going through. A lot but it’s scaring me how tired he is.