How are you handling babies during flu/covid/RSV season?


First time mom here and my baby is seven months old. I always stood firm with myself that during this time of year, I wanted to be more conscious about limiting exposures to our son. I know it’s bad everywhere, but our local news channels have been reporting almost daily about how high the cases are in our area and I keep making comments to my husband about it. We don’t hide in a bubble and we go and see people, and they come and see us as long as they’re feeling well, but even then I feel like you’re not safe. My mother-in-law was sick Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> we had no clue and neither did she and then by Christmas day Covid had hit her real hard. She was kissing our baby which I’ve told my husband from day one I don’t feel comfortable with, but he only tends to tell her not to kiss him if she’s not feeling well. I want her to not kiss him at allllll. (he definitely has to tell her or else things will be awkward if I do 🙃) What rules are you setting for your babies this season? are you very strict with it are you more laid-back? I’m a pretty anxious ridden person so yes, even though my baby is not a newborn, he’s still very young and very vulnerable in my eyes, and I just want him safe. I’m trying to feel out how majority of people handle this time of year. Thanks!!