Are progesterone levels ever wrong?

DisneyMom🐶👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏻👼🏻🌹🦄 • Busy mom of 3 under 5 Proud mom of an amazing Preemie Warrior and an Angel 👼🏻 in Heaven. Hoping for our 🌈 baby soon.

Since my MC in July I’ve had issues trying to conceive again. D&C in Sept then took Provera end of Oct.

Period started Nov 1st for 5 days. Next period arrived Dec 3rd for 5 days coming off a 32 day cycle. From what I’ve calculated from a long cycle like that I wouldn’t have ovulated until Dec 21. I had my progesterone levels checked on the 22 which were 0.8 which means I haven’t ovulated. Even if I did ovulate the day before would the levels have read the same?

I’m on cycle day 33 and no signs of a period. I don’t have any pregnancy tests on hand. Anyone have the same experience and ended up pregnant? I’m supposed to take Clomid this month and use OPKS. I’m so anxious for one or the other it’s insane 😩