Reasons you need Clomid


I was so nervous. I was worried what I would hear. I was nervous about comments on my weight. Due to all the anxiety any questions kinda left my mind.

I have been TTC for a year now. I finally got in to see my Gyno and based off what I told her she decided to test my hormones, talked about my thyroid. She didn’t seem concerned with my weight at all. We talked about clomid and the possibility of getting started on that but I’m really curious about the likely hood of that.

If I do have a thyroid issue will they treat that itself before I can continue TTC? Do the automatically offer clomid to me if my hormones are wack? If they come back normal I assume I’m just not ovulating very well therefore I would still need to use it to help? Would love to hear what knowledge you guys or experiences. Thankyou.