AITA for wanting to leave my boyfriend after having a baby

Me (24) and my boyfriend (29) just had a baby 4 weeks ago. The delivery did not go as planned and my induction turned into a c-section delivery. I spent a total of 5 days in the hospital. As soon as we got home, my bf complained of his back hurting from having to sleep on the makeshift bed and then started complaining of a cough and sore throat. I pretty much was back to doing all the laundry and dishes 5 days after I got home. I would bring laundry baskets up and down two flights of stairs all while trying to recover and take care of our newborn. Now I am 4 weeks postpartum and he still hasn’t helped besides occasionally picking up around the house. He’s also been getting easily irritated and calling me names. I know the baby won’t remember any of this but I don’t want him to call me a bitch or an asshole in front of our daughter. He’ll then go back to acting like nothing is wrong. I don’t know if it’s the hormones or what but I really don’t even want to be around him anymore and I don’t want him saying these things around our infant daughter because realistically, I know he’s not going to stop.